

Places a long buy order for a specified quantity of a ticker on a given trade date.

  • Constructor Parameters:

    • ticker (str): The ticker symbol for the asset to be bought.

    • quantity (int): The number of units to be purchased.

    • trade_date (str): The date on which the trade is executed.

  • Methods:

    • execute(self, data_provider, simulation): Retrieves the current price from data_provider and executes a buy order using the simulation object. Returns a dictionary containing the details of the trade.

  • Returns: A dictionary with keys action, type, ticker, quantity, and price.

Example Usage:

buy_command = BuyLongCommand(ticker="AAPL", quantity=10, trade_date="2023-09-02")
trade_details = buy_command.execute(data_provider, simulation)


Places a long sell order for a specified quantity of a ticker on a given trade date.

  • Constructor Parameters:

    • ticker (str): The ticker symbol for the asset to be sold.

    • quantity (int): The number of units to be sold.

    • trade_date (str): The date on which the trade is executed.

  • Methods:

    • execute(self, data_provider, simulation): Retrieves the current price from data_provider and executes a sell order using the simulation object. Returns a dictionary containing the details of the trade.

  • Returns: A dictionary with keys action, type, ticker, quantity, and price.

Example Usage:

sell_command = SellLongCommand(ticker="AAPL", quantity=10, trade_date="2023-09-02")
trade_details = sell_command.execute(data_provider, simulation)


Places a short buy order (to close a short position) for a specified quantity of a ticker on a given trade date.

  • Constructor Parameters:

    • ticker (str): The ticker symbol for the asset to be bought.

    • quantity (int): The number of units to be purchased.

    • trade_date (str): The date on which the trade is executed.

  • Methods:

    • execute(self, data_provider, simulation): Retrieves the current price from data_provider and executes a buy order using the simulation object. Returns a dictionary containing the details of the trade.

  • Returns: A dictionary with keys action, type, ticker, quantity, and price.

Example Usage:

sell_short_command = SellShort(ticker="AAPL", quantity=10, trade_date="2023-09-02")
trade_details = sell_short_command.execute(data_provider, simulation)


Places a short sell order for a specified quantity of a ticker on a given trade date.

  • Constructor Parameters:

    • ticker (str): The ticker symbol for the asset to be sold.

    • quantity (int): The number of units to be sold.

    • trade_date (str): The date on which the trade is executed.

  • Methods:

    • execute(self, data_provider, simulation): Retrieves the current price from data_provider and executes a sell order using the simulation object. Returns a dictionary containing the details of the trade.

  • Returns: A dictionary with keys action, type, ticker, quantity, and price.

Example Usage:

cover_short_command = CoverShort(ticker="AAPL", quantity=10, trade_date="2023-09-02")
trade_details = cover_short_command.execute(data_provider, simulation)

Last updated